Apr 8, 2013

Easter Weekend 2013

We celebrate Easter because Jesus rose from the grave. It is not a religious thing or a made up thing. It is something that happened in REAL history with REAL people and yes, people who were not Christians witnessed this. There is no human to ever have impact on the world like Jesus. I am a follower of Christ because He is the only TRUTH I have ever found in this world. The Bible is the only religious book to be 100% accurate in History. It is the number one reliable source used by Archeologists to find sites. Over 25,000 historical finds have been found by using just the Bible to locate them. 

The fact the Jesus is ALIVE is the basis for Christianity and without Him raising from the dead, Christianity would be false. 

If you think I am crazy, just know that I used to think all of this was nonsense until I actually started to look into it and I was humbled to find a God who not only loved me but forgave me and even died for me so that I would live forever with Him. These facts radically changed my life. Here is the link if you are curious. 

One of my favorite facts about Jesus raising from the dead is the fact that His followers died horrible horrific deaths because they would not deny Jesus. Jesus was crucified, buried dead and then appeared to over 500 people after raising from the dead.......

There are many people who die for what they believe in because it's what they believe. I don't know about you, but if I knew something was a lie I wouldn't die trying to defend it. These people LIVED in this time and witnessed Jesus die and rise again.  

We spent the weekend visiting with Joshua's side of the family. There are so many babies in the family. 8 kids under 3 years old and 4 on the way. 

My Niece and Nephew Paige and Jude. All of Joshua's Parents' Grand kids in a chair......well all except the tiny 3 inch one in Jenna's belly. 

Everly, Charlotte, Chloe and Judah

On our way to the Merritt Easter picnic. 

She screamed the whole way there and half the way back.......Happy Easter to you too Evie.

The Picnic got cut short because of the rain and we had to race to our cars to avoid the dirt turning to mud.

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