Mar 6, 2013

The Bean and her many faces

Everly has been changing so much just in the past week. She is getting to the stage where I can actually play with her. I flip her upside down and she opens her mouth wide with a smile, sometimes a squeal.
If you have met Everly you probably have heard her funny grunting and seen her scowling eyebrows. Things you may not know about her if you don't live with her is that she sleeps in our bed. Her tiny little body lays between me and the wall. In the morning she blinks her eyes about 100 times in a row while staring at Joshua and I. Then once she has fully woken up she wont stop smiling. After a few minutes of smiley bliss we go to the toilet. She pees and then stretches her legs and arms. Eats her breakfast and watches as Mom and Dad get ready for the day. Then she usually goes back to bed for an hour or two. She wakes up and goes pee and sometimes poop on the toilet again. Then I take her with me to pick out her outfit for the day and once she is dressed I take her to the mirror so she can see how we look. 

I always say "Mama and Evie"

I think she gets it.

I show her pictures on my phone and she hoots at the photos of herself, me and Joshua. 

She stands firmly now and her head does not wobble like it used to. I can hold her with just ONE arm! So nice. That means I can hold her AND do something else. 

There is just this one thing that this little bean has been doing lately. Finally strong enough to lift her enormous cheeks. She really loves being on her belly and here is some proof.

These last two photos remind me of Paige Ellen Sarr her cousin. 
I am pretty sure I need to remember that we have a NICE camera and not just use my iphone because these Nikon photos are much more like the REAL thing.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. She is so sweet and adorable! I enjoy you posting pictures of her!
