Jul 16, 2012

I'm sure you've heard, WE ARE HAVING A BABY!

Quick update as short as possible:

Since the last I have blogged about was Ireland, and I apologize, there is so much more that has happened in our adventure......
January: We came home, visited family and celebrated Christmas with them. We moved into Joshua's parents trailer in Arroyo Grande and looked for work.
February: Joshua got pregnant and I found a job, wait..... other way around. Joshua got a job at the Dolphin Bay resort in Pismo beach. We also found a place to live in Nipomo. 
March: Found out I was pregnant and told our family! Made awesome friends in Nipomo and got to spend a lot more time with our family that lives on the coast. Started getting REALLY sick and throwing up everyday. 
April: Struggled to get out of bed and keep food down. Jude, our nephew was born. 
May: Joshua and I celebrated being married for our first year by staying in Santa Barbara for a night. Found out the sex of the baby. A GIRL! 
June: My momma turned a year older. 
July: I turned a year older, stopped throwing up so much and could feel the baby move all the time. Got a job at a coffee shop in Nipomo called The Hideout. 

We wanted to name our baby girl Merlot Love Sarr but we changed her name to...

Everly Love Sarr 

8 weeks
9 weeks 

9 weeks

12 weeks

13 weeks

14 weeks

14 weeks
15 weeks
16 weeks 

18 weeks

Everly Love at 19 weeks 
Everly Love at 13 weeks

So this is what has been kicking me! 

19 weeks

19 weeks

Believe it or not 21 weeks, you can't tell with this outfit! 

21 weeks

I have been having stuffy noses like crazy and weird cramps 

22 weeks 

This one just because I like the headband!

I hope to keep you all posted more often. 

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the name! (both of them!) can't wait to see her sweet face, maybe our babies will be friends?! love you guys...
