Here is my birth story.... I am not going to candy coat anything so only read this if you don't mind hearing details. For those of you who like the details, get excited!
When I found out that we were pregnant I got very nervous. One of my biggest fears in life has been to give birth. Growing up, people have told me that because I am small that I would have to have a C-Section. That terrified me so much that I wanted to find out any way possible to get out of it....
Turns out everyone was wrong and I didn't have anything to fear. My parents paid for Joshua and I to take natural birthing classes "The Bradley Method" which is husband coached childbirth. After reading so much about birth while I was throwing up for 5 months stuck at home and after a few of our classes my fear turned into confidence. By my fourth or fifth month of pregnancy I was totally ready for the unknown. I couldn't wait...
It finally came, the day that we had been waiting for, for months. The day that I would go into labor and we would meet our baby girl. I went into labor on the 19th of November the day before her due date. I knew the exact day that she would be due because I knew the day we got pregnant. Most people have asked if the pregnancy was planned and we are happy to say that it was! We really started about 9 months into our marriage, really day dreaming about having kids.
MONDAY NOV 19th: I was having contractions that were lasting about 20 mins apart but they were mild but they never went away. Because both sides of our family live 3 hours away we called them and told them that we thought I was going into labor and that they should drive to the coast. While we were waiting for them, Joshua and I tried to speed things up by taking a walk. We called our friends Tom and Britney Bateman to come with us to the Bob Jones Trail which is about 2.9 miles. Britt and I walked behind Joshua and Tom just talking about life and about the baby. My contractions slowed down and almost completely stopped during the walk. As soon as we finished the walk and were getting into the car my contractions got so painful that I had to stop walking to breath through them but they stayed at 20 mins apart. We got home and my parents came to our house. We ate some good food and had good conversation. I felt bad that they drove all the way up because my contractions slowed down again and were not as painful. I was still so un sure if it was real labor. I went to bed around 9:30 just incase it was true labor so that I would have some rest.
TUESDAY NOV 20th: (EVERLY'S DUE DATE, BY THE WAY!) Around 2 AM I woke up to terrible contractions 8 mins apart and the only way to cope with them was to moan through them. I knew then that it was real labor so I let my parents and Joshua sleep while I labored alone until 6 am. After going to the bathroom about 12 times between 2 AM and 6, I decided it was time to wake everyone up. We called Joshua's parents and told them that today would be the day. That morning Both of our parents, my Grandma and my Sister-In-Law and her kids came over. I did my hair and makeup and finished packing a bag for the hospital. With each contraction I relaxed my whole body and went limp. Joshua reminded me each time to breath and to not clench any part of my body.
TUESDAY NOV 20th: (EVERLY'S DUE DATE, BY THE WAY!) Around 2 AM I woke up to terrible contractions 8 mins apart and the only way to cope with them was to moan through them. I knew then that it was real labor so I let my parents and Joshua sleep while I labored alone until 6 am. After going to the bathroom about 12 times between 2 AM and 6, I decided it was time to wake everyone up. We called Joshua's parents and told them that today would be the day. That morning Both of our parents, my Grandma and my Sister-In-Law and her kids came over. I did my hair and makeup and finished packing a bag for the hospital. With each contraction I relaxed my whole body and went limp. Joshua reminded me each time to breath and to not clench any part of my body.
I closed my eyes and just let my uterus do what it needed to. Moaning or saying "ohhhoooohhh!!!" helped with the pain.
I had a big bowl of pasta for the carbs after all, I could tell that this would be a long labor and I needed all the energy I could get. I saved my energy by just trying to be in a state of relaxation at all times. By this time my contractions were 6 mins apart.
We told our family to leave and go get lunch so that Joshua and I could try to get some rest. I didn't get much sleep the night before. As soon as I laid down my contractions went from 6 mins to sometimes 1 min and 45 seconds apart. I knew I wasn't going to be able to sleep and I had already labored 11 hours at home with painful contractions. It was 1 pm when we left to go to the hospital.
They wheeled me in on a chair. I wanted to walk but I figured I was saving some energy. I started out by telling the nurse that I was going to do everything naturally, I didn't want an IV so that I could have freedom to move, I wanted to eat and I wanted to wear my own clothes. I got into their gown just for a short time for them to check how far dilated. I didn't want to feel like a patient because I wasn't one, I was fully capable and I wasn't sick. I didn't need saving and I didn't need medicine.
The nurse checked me and told me that I was at a 3 and that my bag of waters was still in tact. They admitted me to stay in the hospital.
I made myself at home by having Josh and my Dad grab our bags while I changed into comfy clothes that I was familiar with.
I knew I would need more calories for energy so I asked for Chipotle. So Joshua's parents and Jenna went and got what I asked for. I ate one big veggie taco and about 1 hour later the hospital brought me a grilled cheese and veggie spring rolls which I ate little bites at a time in between my contractions.
Joshua was with me for every contraction. The pain was totally manageable but still super painful. I found that the contractions I had when I was not completely relaxed hurt worse than the ones where I remember to relax everything.
My parents helping me get my shoes on so I could go to the bathroom.
Joshua tried to take my place haha
My Grandma, soon to be a Great Grandma
My Daddy
The one thing that I was not allowed to say no to was a baby monitor every hour for 15 mins. Every time I laid down to be monitored my lower back would cramp up really bad. Joshua and my parents kept running back and fourth from the kitchen area microwaving the heat pack. Josh pressed the heat pack against my back each contraction. My contractions would slow down while I was laying down and I knew laying down having contractions wouldn't do much to open my cervix on its own.
I would lay down to get monitored and then I would tough it out and do more "work" to open my cervix. I told the nurse to put two stools on either side of the toilet because I was too short for my legs to touch the ground. This allowed me to spread my legs wide and just let my cervix relax and widen. It was good on the toilet because I could totally relax and it didn't matter if I peed or not. Laboring on the toilet hurt more than anything and Joshua would stand in front of me while I pushed my head into Joshua's stomach and just wailed. He would rub my back and look into my eyes and tell me he was proud of me. I was just praying to God the whole time for the strength.
I would lay back down to get monitored and would let my body rest again. Once I felt like I could go back to the toilet I would get up and do it again. I did anything and everything to open my hips. Even, grabbing the hand rail in the bathroom and squatting with my legs wide and crying.
They came in to monitor me again and I asked to be checked. It was about 11pm and I was at a 6. So from a 3 to a 6 in 10 hours. I knew I needed more energy and that I needed to speed things up because I was getting tired.
Everyone was in and out of my room all of them were praying for me and just being my support.
I did some Yoga to try to open my hips more and get to a 10. I just wanted the baby out so bad because I was just so tired.
We decided to start walking and every time I had a contraction I would spread my legs wide so my cervix could stretch further.
After walking around for a few hours and doing more laboring on the toilet I wanted to get checked again. It was 2:30 in the morning and I was at an 8 with my bag of waters still in was bulging.
I didn't want to have the doctor break my water though because to be honest I was nervous about laboring without my bag of waters. But there was a good chance that when she broke my water I would go to a 10 right away. So I went on laboring and ate a big peanut butter energy bar. I could tell that I was in transition even before they checked me because I was getting really annoyed at people talking to me. My cousin Shauna came to the hospital and talked me into getting the Doctor to break my water. I was just afraid for the gush.
I had the Doctor come at around 5:15 or 5:30 I laid down and had her break my water. I felt a big gush of water and then she walked away to let me keep laboring. During my next 2 contractions my Mom read Psalm 139.....
O Lord, You have searched me and known me.
You know my sitting down and my rising up;You understand my thought afar off.
3 You comprehend my path and my lying down,
And are acquainted with all my ways.
4 For there is not a word on my tongue,
But behold, O Lord, You know it altogether.
5 You have hedged me behind and before,
And laid Your hand upon me.
6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me;
It is high, I cannot attain it.
3 You comprehend my path and my lying down,
And are acquainted with all my ways.
4 For there is not a word on my tongue,
But behold, O Lord, You know it altogether.
5 You have hedged me behind and before,
And laid Your hand upon me.
6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me;
It is high, I cannot attain it.
7 Where can I go from Your Spirit?
Or where can I flee from Your presence?
8 If I ascend into heaven, You are there;
If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there.
9 If I take the wings of the morning,
And dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,
10 Even there Your hand shall lead me,
And Your right hand shall hold me.
11 If I say, “Surely the darkness shall fall[a] on me,”
Even the night shall be light about me;
12 Indeed, the darkness shall not hide from You,
But the night shines as the day;
The darkness and the light are both alike to You.
Or where can I flee from Your presence?
8 If I ascend into heaven, You are there;
If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there.
9 If I take the wings of the morning,
And dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,
10 Even there Your hand shall lead me,
And Your right hand shall hold me.
11 If I say, “Surely the darkness shall fall[a] on me,”
Even the night shall be light about me;
12 Indeed, the darkness shall not hide from You,
But the night shines as the day;
The darkness and the light are both alike to You.
13 For You formed my inward parts;
You covered me in my mother’s womb.
14 I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;[b]
Marvelous are Your works,
And that my soul knows very well.
15 My frame was not hidden from You,
When I was made in secret,
And skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed.
And in Your book they all were written,
The days fashioned for me,
When as yet there were none of them.
You covered me in my mother’s womb.
14 I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;[b]
Marvelous are Your works,
And that my soul knows very well.
15 My frame was not hidden from You,
When I was made in secret,
And skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed.
And in Your book they all were written,
The days fashioned for me,
When as yet there were none of them.
17 How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God!
How great is the sum of them!
18 If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand;
When I awake, I am still with You.
How great is the sum of them!
18 If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand;
When I awake, I am still with You.
19 Oh, that You would slay the wicked, O God!
Depart from me, therefore, you bloodthirsty men.
20 For they speak against You wickedly;
Your enemies take Your name in vain.[c]
21 Do I not hate them, O Lord, who hate You?
And do I not loathe those who rise up against You?
22 I hate them with perfect hatred;
I count them my enemies.
Depart from me, therefore, you bloodthirsty men.
20 For they speak against You wickedly;
Your enemies take Your name in vain.[c]
21 Do I not hate them, O Lord, who hate You?
And do I not loathe those who rise up against You?
22 I hate them with perfect hatred;
I count them my enemies.
23 Search me, O God, and know my heart;
Try me, and know my anxieties;
24 And see if there is any wicked way in me,
And lead me in the way everlasting.
Try me, and know my anxieties;
24 And see if there is any wicked way in me,
And lead me in the way everlasting.
As soon as she finished reading Everly's head went past my cervix and into my vaginal canal. I screamed to get the Doctor because I felt a huge need to push. She came running in and wanted to check me to see if I was at a 10. I was yelling at her that I WAS! I was ready to push. There was no denying it. She checked me anyways and said "Oh yes, I can feel the head!" I was still laying down when the nurse said for me to grab my right leg and start to push. I said no I need the squat bar for the end of the bed. Again, she said "Well, try it like this!" I screamed "GET ME THE SQUAT BAR!"
Laying down didn't feel natural to me at all. I don't poop on my back... how would I get a baby out laying on my back?
They adjusted the bed and got the squat bar on and ready. Joshua turned on Tycho for when I would push the baby out.
The next contraction I sat up and squatted. I took a deep breath and pushed. I felt a huge pop which later I found out that I had sprained my tailbone. After a few mins of squatting, taking deep breaths and pushing I just wanted her out because I was so tired. I told myself the next one, she's out! My parents, Joshua's parents, my Grandma, my sister in law Jenna, my cousin Shauna were in the room with me and then my cousin Renee was on speaker phone all waiting patiently.
I sat back to relax and the next contraction I got up took a small breath and pushed. I held my muscles to keep her from going back up. Took another breath and pushed even further still holding the baby down. The next breath I pushed and then pushed with that push! Out came her whole body all at once. She was born at 5:59 AM 6 pounds 15 ounces 19 inches.
I think we were all so focused on the labor that we kind of forgot we were having a baby! She started crying and so did everyone else in the room except for me. I was too tired for emotion. Don't get me wrong I was so excited but I really was out of it by that point. I had been up for 2 nights straight basically running a marathon with my uterus.
They handed me little Everly and she was so tiny and beautiful. I couldn't believe that she was ours and that something so cute and perfect was in that big belly that I hated. I tell you, I don't think I will ever hate having a pregnant belly again.
I started breast feeding Everly and she knew exactly what to do. I hadn't delivered the placenta yet so the Doctor started to pull on the cord. I asked her to stop and she kept pulling on it. I had to ask her nicely 4 times to please let it birth naturally. Finally I pushed a big push and it came out. It felt like a huge slippery pillow came out. It was such a cool experience. I pushed again and tons and tons of blood and fluids came out. I was amazed at how much was in there.
The Doctor started to sew me up because I had a small tear. After she finished I started to feel light headed so I gave the baby to Joshua. I guess my lips turned blue and so they had me lay back and they asked if they could give me an IV with fluids. I was totally ok with that. I started to feel a little bit better and then the nurses and the Doctor walked over with a new bag of fluids. They were about to switch the bag as they tell me they were about to give me Pitocin. PITOCIN!?! Why? I had already birthed everything I needed to birth. (For those of you who don't know what Pitocin is, it's a drug that makes your contractions abnormally stronger and more painful than regular contractions.)
I didn't want any more contractions.....I wanted to SLEEP! I said no and they said that I needed to trust them. I said no again and they said I had to and I said why? They said to help my uterus go down. I said let me have my baby so she could breastfeed. Breast feeding would do the same thing naturally. Finally Joshua firmly said "She doesn't need it!"
All three of us.....Joshua, the baby and I all feel asleep for at least 2 or 3 hours. It was so wonderful to wake up to Everly's little sleeping face next to me. I couldn't believe she was finally here and ours....MINE! God gave her to us to raise and I was so excited to start.
We were so in love with our little family. We left the next day and had Thanksgiving with our family. I really didn't have much pain other than the stitches and the tailbone sprain. We were just so proud to show off our little girl.
She has been the most amazing little blessing in our lives so far.
I felt in so much control of my body during labor. It was so manageable and I actually enjoyed it. I feel like I can do anything now. But I have to say that I could not have done it without the Lord and without Joshua he was there for everything telling me how proud of me he was.
Also, my Sister Jenna was one of the biggest helps throughout my pregnancy and the birth. She is the one who took these amazing photos. She also provided me with more cloth diapers than I will ever need. She was there every step of the way and whenever I had a need she totally did everything she could to help. She blessed me so much.
I love being a mom and I am stoked to have another birth story a few years from now.
I felt in so much control of my body during labor. It was so manageable and I actually enjoyed it. I feel like I can do anything now. But I have to say that I could not have done it without the Lord and without Joshua he was there for everything telling me how proud of me he was.
Also, my Sister Jenna was one of the biggest helps throughout my pregnancy and the birth. She is the one who took these amazing photos. She also provided me with more cloth diapers than I will ever need. She was there every step of the way and whenever I had a need she totally did everything she could to help. She blessed me so much.
I love being a mom and I am stoked to have another birth story a few years from now.
Amazing Faith! This was so great to read! How great is that!I almost cried like 5 times! I love the song that you guys played as your giving birth. So great!