My little is 5 months now. I can't believe how fast she grows. She grabs things and plays with her toys. Her current obsession is sticking her tongue out and making that razz sound, getting spit everywhere. She is looking more and more like her Daddy everyday.
Our adventure in raising our daughter, traveling the world, exploring creativity and doing it as inexpensively and as natural as possible.
Apr 26, 2013
Flash Back not that long ago...
My Sister-in-Law Jenna sent me these photos of us on Easter and I needed to share them all with you.
Everly is wearing her hand me down Naartjie dress and shoes from Paige.
This was only a little less than a month ago and already Everly looks so different. She has a lot more hair now.
This picture kills me

Apr 25, 2013
Everly's Cousins
Everly has 7 cousins on Joshua's side of the family.
All who are 3 years old or under.
That makes for exciting birthdays and holiday's.
Did I mention there are 4 more on the way?
Milo hugging Everly
Hannah on the left
PS. Judah is missing because he was asleep in the car.
Apr 13, 2013
Our Nephew Jude's 1st Birthday
I can't believe Jude is already 1 year old.
I remember being in bed in our cabin in Silver City when we heard a knock on the door. It was late at night and It was a co-worker telling us we had an emergency phone call from our family.
I thought, "Oh no, who died?" I prayed as Joshua took his flashlight and walked down to the Silver City Store to take the phone call. A few minutes went by and my heart was pounding dreading to hear the bad news. I heard Joshua's foot steps on the front porch. Joshua opened the door and exclaimed his brother Matt called and said that he and Jenna were having another baby. I was relieved to know that no one in the family had died and that we were going to have another Niece or Nephew.
This little boy has a wonderful smile that lights up his whole face.
All of Everly's living Great Grandmothers.
Jenna did a breakfast theme for the food.
Our cousin Shauna who is OBVIOUSLY pregnant and Paige and Jude's Mama Jenna, who is NOT so obviously pregnant as well. Both on their 3rd baby.
Joshua and his Dad look like twins in this photo.
Apr 12, 2013
Rolling Over
Everly Love has been getting stronger as the weeks go by. It is so amazing seeing her transform and learn. She is so curious and wants to grab everything now. Rolling over is something she has been doing a lot of. Mostly from tummy to back, but she is so close to flipping back around.
This little outfit she has on is from Baby Gap, but I got it from a little store in Visalia called Twice Upon A Time for $2.99. It is a second hand consignment store for kids and baby clothing and toys.
Apr 11, 2013
Wine and Cheese Party
Getting ready to go out is a big event in our house. We turn on loud music and go through our clothes. Our house usually ends up a disaster while we end up looking neat and beautiful. We have this one mirror that is only big enough for one model at a time and sometimes the models get a little frisky about who gets a turn to stand in front of it first.
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